May 7, 2001

  • So Selfish

    This blog is for me, just me..*oh he's being selfish now.*  Yes, you may say that.  In fact, I demand that you do.  And louder. And repeat.  Repeat *after you*!!!  Good.  Now listen up: this blog, this blog reveals itself.

    Was that a tiddy bar with carnalities amassed? Yes.  Then whence and henceforth? The weekend  was an aural epiphany with an unmistakable signature of caring and loving kindness!  So to hell with the rest.  I don't give a fuck about rest--I yearn to strive, to stay alive, to better my best. 

    So who was the grrl?  You, grrl, of course.  Always and forever you.  And the moment was an improbability in eternity never waiting to happen.  Which transpired like the first bloom of this alien entity called *flower* , nonetheless.  And I bathed in our mutually-inventing playfulness.

    And then I ran like Mercury this morning, ran and encountered Pat, freebirdgonewild's dad, and defied destiny with my ability to slither deathlessly between any cradle and grave.  But before that, I retracted to 6.5 exact years of age.  And heard the church powers morbidly daunting me to attain 7.0 exact and the contemnable *age of reason*.  Yes, the Age of Reason with great calculations bureaucratically-pinholed, indeed!   I saw it so relicly-proffered, and so decided instead to horde up on reason well before that blind date!  A lifetime of reason pre-emptively sucked up in my unrationed prereasoned-aged precociousness.  But that, that is but memory (no? yes!)...while this morning itself was entirely renewing and propitiously fresh.  I was so free and young again!  And remain so, to this very moment of witness, with contempt for all forms of true lifelessness!

    Shall I disappear?  Of course! Anything, everything written is not the culmination, but merely the concomitance of my adamance on this active side of infinity.  Which means: I don't count my breaths!  Yet breathe deeply, thus to avoid existential duress. 

    I have a vision of a twin-engine landing on an unbending stretch of highway between Tucson and Phoenix.  So it's me and I flew treetop all the way from Costa Rica to homebase.  Only the desert is my dust-devil witness.  I did good, like Lindy, and cannot now care less.

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