Day: June 27, 2001

  • “How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was?”

    Gotta love Satchel Paige, baseball pitcher,  (died 1982).   Paige was born July 7, 1904, or was it 1906? He was never quite sure. He said, "My birth certificate was in our Bible…and the goat ate the Bible…That goat lived to be 27." Paige lived to be 73 (or was it 75?)

    Tips  Satchel had for staying young:

    1. Avoid fried meats which angry up the blood.
    2. If your stomach disputes you, lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts.
    3. Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently as you move.
    4. Go very light on the vices, such as carrying on in society.  The social ramble ain't restful.
    5. Avoid running at all times.
    6. Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.

    *OOoo #5 hurts and I don't even want to say why-ouch*

    They asked the “Satchel Paige question”  of Sister Beatrice, turned 100 on May 22nd,  in “Crossroads, The Newsletter of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago” (well, yes, I'm on their snail mail list and even read the dang newsletter!)  She responded:
    “100 is a big number but the happiest days are still promised to me.”

    Great answer!

    But my question to you is: Why is 100 a 'big number'?

    Now 10,000 seems like a big number—let's do that!

    Would you settle for a 3-digit yearly income?   Why settle for (or even less than) a 3-digit lifespan?

    What kind of death industry conspiracy is this?? 

    Could we conspire to have everyone in the death industries die first and not follow their act?

    Would you regret being the long-lived prison guard (played by Tom Hanks) in the movie The Green Mile?

    “How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was?”

    On a side note, I called the local mental hospital today, and they said that while they could provide good drugs, they could not guarantee uninterrupted access to Xanga, so screw that early retirement option!!!

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