Day: July 31, 2004

  • Sex, Lies, and - heh, I don't even know what's going on.


    This site (no, not the link above...THIS blog) for the longest time was the top hit for 'notforprophet' on Google. Now, though most of my other (currently defunct) godzillion 'notforprophet' blogs are still listed on Google, this one, notforprophet-xanga, has disappeared!  Is Google intentionally restricting featuring Xanga blogs in order to differentially promote its own-owned Blogger blogs?  Or is Xanga becoming even more a part of the 'invisble' internet?


    Current resting heartbeat: 54.


    I haven't been writing much lately.  I've been embroiled in my office work: doing what I consider pretty damn good work but not getting much acknowledgement for it.  Like busting covert secretly-sanctioned inner sanctum corporate hackers (stealth intruders commissioned to test our network) and not getting even a congratulation (so I tooted my own horn).  Like making a suggestion a week ago, after 12 frustrating hours of converting profile servers from one configuration to another, to "leave them both on" and thus overcome a synching dysfunction - and then having some senior manager take all the credit - while acting on my suggestion (so I spoke up and tooted my own horn).  Like sitting in on a meeting on Thursday morning where the boss said "we need to pay attention to workstation vulnerabilities-we've stopped doing that and need to do it.more" and then discovering, through testing and investigation Thursday afternoon, that their was a dangerous hidden web server (IBM Tuple Server) fraught with sever cross-scripting vulnerabilites running on a good number of our workstations (including my own) - and then have that same boss tell me, after I informed him of this new discovery, "shelve it-you have other things to do." (wtf??, amongst some colleagues, I tooted my own horn).

    Damn, I haven't even been taking many photos lately.  Here's one photo I slyly took the other day of a cemetery passerby:

    I'm taking photos of people taking photos.  I'm writing about other people writing.  I'm wondering about what other people are wondering.

    Fuck it.  I've decided I'm just going off.  Going off on a search for excellence.  All out.

    Update: first offing led me right back to stomping grounds to run in the rain.  I was on my way to do some outdoor painting, but you do what you can, right?

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