Day: July 3, 2004

  • I met wintermute yesterday evening.  Arranged it right here through our blogs, we did, I saying name a day, he saying imminent evening is optimal, I saying name a time, he saying 6:30.  holy junk!  I was out running around Dreamland Cemetery when that last comment hit the blog and picked up on it at 6:25.  So I had to scurry out of Dreamland and over to the Case Western Reserve campus  which, fortunately, is only 5 minutes away.  We joined up at the Barking Spider Tavern and spent about 5 hours drinking 3 or 4 or 5 pitchers of beer.


    Some points of discussion:


    Barking spiders do not bite.

    Campus drunks and vagrants (the regulars) may well be ex post-graduates who just couldn’t afford to move after post-graduation.

    The nebulous origins of Xanga and how I hacked my way into the inner sanctum.

    Is the opposite of  'wintermute'  summerloquaciousness?

    Authoring not philosophy papers but merely the titles for philosophy papers for a living.

    Sumptuous blog-encountered gals.

    The intimacies of satellite encounter and capture by/with foreign bodies  (kind of blended into the previous discussion point).

    An idea for an interactive restaurant where patrons at tables can watch their dishes cooking via tabletop PCs and kitchen webcams and can chat interactively with the gourmet chefs during the viewing.

    Raising havoc with the current state lottery system (confounding the system).

    Striving for extreme notoriety as an exploitable source of talk-circuit/book-circuit/speech tour income.



    ~awaiting the auto-timer's self countdown~



    ~spontaneous warrior revelry~


    Now mute's off to Seattle!

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