Day: July 28, 2004

  • It’s good to be alive again.


    And it’s a perfectly splendid day to be fully alive or fully dead but nowhere in between.  After 4 days in Cleveland Ohio of endless overcast, persistent drizzle, and temps suggestive of mid-fall, summer in the form of drunken sunshine, 70s for temps, and a dragonfly scooting atop the headstones on a cemetery hillside has returned.


    What’s more, because it was so wet over the weekend and through the first part of the week, my lightweight, highly-vented running shoes got so soaked they weren’t drying out properly between my cemetery running episodes.  The formula of wet + sweat = stench was in full force by Monday and led me yesterday to abandoning my stylish Adidas ClimaCools (which I had been using constantly everywhere for everything all spring and summer) for a backup pair of less stylish black New Balance 525s.  That switch turned out to be exceedingly self-favorable: the right side sciatic pain I’ve had constantly most of the late spring and summer has diminished considerably over the past two days with the switch.  Damn, I had forgotten and have now rediscovered how comfortable even just walking can be.  I think the ClimaCools, in retrospective analysis, were just a little too narrow and/or short and/or inflexible for my feet. 


    So my feet are happy again!  Heh  And my right leg is whimpering less. 


    Only problem is that the rest of my appendages are now quite jealous since the shoes didn’t do anything to enhance their happiness.  My arms, in time, may get over it.  As I  am, at this moment, putting a can of beer, alternately, in both hands and flexing at the elbows, my arms seem to be loosening up a bit, relaxing, and engaging in amnesiac-like pseudo-enjoyment.  And for the rest: any remaining member in the appendage category (“whatchu talkin ‘bout boy?”) will need to find its own creative way out of the doldrums of a worldly-imposed solitary unmystical limbo.  Huh?


    Patience, grasshopper, patience.  –advice to Kung-fu Cain

    Darkness within darkness, the gate to all mystery.  –directional instruction for entering into an understanding of Tao

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