July 6, 2003

  • It would seem that the world has gone extreme—

    from extreme sports to terror,

    ‘reality tv’ and now…weather:


    (CNN) -- Anecdotal evidence that the world's weather is getting wilder now has a solid scientific basis in fact following a dramatic global assessment from the World Meteorological Organization.

    A study released Wednesday by the WMO -- a specialized climate science agency of the United Nations -- says the world is experiencing record numbers of extreme weather events, such as droughts and tornadoes.

    Laying the blame firmly at the feet of global warming, the agency warned that the number and intensity of extreme weather events could continue to increase.

      --extreme weather on the rise

    a young child runs with her tongue out,

    probing,  stretched,

    innocently catching the dance of rain droplets.


    ooh baby, baby it's a wild world
    And I'll always remember you like a child, girl


    the breeze swirls the curls of her golden hair—

    the frontal tease

    of a mounting gale looming unawares.


    'Cause I never wanna see you sad girl, don't be a bad girl 


    the bastion clouds, emblackened, roil suddenly in

    as if replacing the world of light with sin.


    You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do
    And it's breakin' my heart in two

    the cells rapidly realign into their killer state

    …was a ‘nice afternoon’, but alas, it’s too late.


    Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
    But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there


    the rain, now driven like needles, by the tempest wind

    brutalizes her storm-raped clotheless skin.


    Just remember there's a lot of bad and beware - beware!


    the multiple eyes of the squall, glaring gloom, pounce:

    the moment’s arrived when life’s renounced.


    And it's breakin' my heart, you're leavin', baby I'm grievin' 


    then carried away as a piece of the storm,

    she's no longer in recognizable human form.


    ooh baby, baby it's a wild world
    And I'll always remember you like a child, girl


    thus terrorized by eradicating climatic regimes,

    shall we grudgingly acknowledge that the weather’s ‘extreme’?

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