Day: July 2, 2003

  • The move is complete.  And I’ve learned a few things from it:


    1)      I’m not yet well-enough organized to run my own presidential campaign.

    2)    Cleanliness is a fetish that I could get sucked into if I’m not careful.

    3)    When the paint fumes set off the fire alarm, it’s time to open the windows.

    4)    If you have to spend longer than 5 seconds thinking about throwing something out, it’s almost always not worth keeping.

    5)    Scrubbing floors is cruel and unusual karma.

    6)    Big boxes are not always better when you fill them will heavy things.

    7)    Moving next door is really much more physically grueling than moving over a larger distance.  In a long move, you pick up the sofa, squeeze through the door, down the porch stairs, load it on a truck, and then drive (a break!) before unloading into the new place.  When moving next door, you pick up the sofa, squeeze through the door, down the porch stairs, struggle across two lawns, up the porch stairs, and squeeze through the new door—without a break.

    8)    Effacing all visible evidence of one’s previous existence in the prior residence is tantamount to the fastidiousness a cat displays in managing its litter box.

    9)    Going out back and pissing on the old garage for good luck can be serenely satisfying.


    Now, won't you be, won't you be, please won't you be my neighbor?

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