Day: August 25, 2007

  • I'm going to have to disappoint the world.

    And not succomb.  And not self-destruct.  And not fade-away.  And not lose my soul.  And not not lead the way.

    As if, the fate of humanity depended on it.  As if, my decision to disappoint will stave of  Brahma's next birthday (death's earthday).  As if, I ride upon a horse and feel every stretch of every sinew beneath me.

    I have broken the code of the intellect.  And the code of base desire, too.  Broken, not as in violate (though surely I'm not exemptable of such charges), but broken as in broken though.  C.G. Jung provided me the game plan.  America, the gameday.  MVP was the slogan "Let Freedom ring."   Done rung the bell.  ding-a-ling.  ding-a-ling.  Gone straight to the heart - where all thoughts are feelings, and all feelings, thoughts.

    "Red Rover, Red Rover, let Stephen come over!"

    Let, indeed.  But don't try to restrain me.  I've no desire.  Nor intent to either join or hurt you.

    In other news...

    I am well.  Still a running fool.  Feel like I'm trapped in a twenty-something body.  But I'll get over that.

    Work is good.  Overwhelming in quantity but not in scope.  I've the the scope in tow.  So I'm not getting it all done, but what I accomplish is Qual.  If I were the simplest of men, I'd throw myself entirely into my work and be happy ever after.  Such simplicity I yet strive for.

    Financially, I'm near ruined.  But I see that as an opportunity to acquire the nickname of 'the Comeback Kid'.

    My daughter is more beautiful than ever and is a warrior-princess. 

    My wife is a born-again-Christian whose constant mantra is that Satan release his hold on me.

    I've lost almost all my friends.  Perhaps, it had to be.  Such a perilous journey have I been.  Too perilous to expect company.  Some say I've driven my friends off.  I've no response to that.  Except to say, if I yet had friends, I'd love them too much to have them stay true to me.  Alas, I am your American Odyssey.

    Love is.  Love is all around. Though I am unmoved, may love leap and joy abound.

    "Don't be the rider who gallops all night and never sees the horse that is beneath him."
        -Jelaluddin Rumi 

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