Day: January 21, 2006

  • Life's exciting, even as it somewhat disappoints.

    Hey, a new entry to add to my Xanga chronology (3 posts below):

    ->1/20/2006     "the dancopalypse" finally redesigns his blog getting rid broken links and the hideous blue background and then immediately retires from Xanga.  Thousands of proppers huddle to bid farewell.<-


    I spent part of the morning updating the Xanga entry on Wickipedia.  It was horribly outdated, loaded with inaccuracies, and posturing a somewhat anti-Xangan tone.  If my updates aren't "editorially reversed" in a day or so, I'll continue to augment the entry.  Yes, I shall finally tell the tale of Bianca Broussard!


    On Friday morning, when I realized the dancopalypse's blog had been hacked by a phisher (see second last item in the Chronology of Xanga 3 posts below), I first notified John.  Then I determined the owner of the phishing domain (really easy-just a 'whois' lookup) and I called him.  I got his secretary instead, who insisted her boss was much too moral, upright, and busy to be doing such things.  Oh yes, she also mentioned that her boss was on the road, gave me his itinerary and another phone number where I might reach him.  I then called that number-and got another secretary.  She took my number and promised that her boss would call me back.  He did.  And when he did, he must have thought I was a cop or a xanga admin because he explained to me that it wasn't him, but his son who worked for him that did the hacking.  And that his son was probably going to lose his job.  And that he was very sorry and already sent Xanga a formal letter of apology, etc., etc.   I believe that John and Xanga had already tracked the matter down, but for one brief shining moment I felt like a secret super-hero cyber-sleuth. 


    I ran 5.25 miles in Dreamland just before sunset.  Sitting alone in a cyber-cafe at this moment.  Dreaming on...

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