Day: January 4, 2006

  • 1) "We've built a new Xanga Dashboard with Real-Time Feedback! more from marc..."
    How long do we have to put up with 'more' from marc?  Don't get me wrong: I love marc.  But I crave change, too. 
     If only in the headlines.

    2) "I know you better than you care to admit."   I do care.  Your proximity just leaves me practically speechless.

    3) I have two secret buttons embedded on my body.  One says "Erotic".  The other says    "Transform Me".  Which choose you, if you dare and care to choose?

    4) I've been, at times, categorized as a sweet-talker.  I see myself, rather, as a sweet-admitter.  Shit can spew from any mouth.  But only the heart comes from the heart.

    5) Lots of mining in the news.  West Virginia mine disasters.  NSA data-mining excesses.  It all sucks.  Which is more undermining of our cherished  holdings?  Rights as cheap as coal.

    6) Slush in the forecast.  Why can't the Air Force seed the clouds with cherry Crystal Lite?  Then we could slurp it up with straws.

    7) Hugs and kisses.  Hugs and kisses.  Hugs and kisses. Hugs and kisses. 
         Isn't it awesome?

    8) While running in Dreamland the other day, I passed a tree harboring a shoddy, abandoned bird's nest, exposed with the departure of leaves. It was lodged upon a very low-lying branch and I impulsively pulled and flung that branch.  The nest exploded and a folded, wet dollar bill fell out to ground.

    9) Yes, it was abandoned.  Don't dare question the astuteness of my nature observations.

    10) I've been invited at a TechFest to give a presentation on setting up a secure home wireless network.  Trouble is there is no such thing.  But that won't stop me.

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