December 13, 2005

  • I simply can't believe it.  Someone on Xanga seemingly cares enough about me to assume a highly suggestive identity-trapping of mine (my last name, Schwelgien) and go on a mission directed from God, or as least, the Blues Brothers' Mother Superior, on my behalf.

    What mission you ask?

    Well, take sonotcool's read on this:


    Just an FYI:

    Someone subscribed to me, under what I think is your last name, and is trying to let everyone know that you are married. Of course, that is no surprise to me; I knew that already. A few of your other readers are commenting there. The person doesn't claim to be you, but seems to want you to "come clean" about your marital status because you write as if you are single and looking.

    Posted 12/12/2005 at 4:39 PM by soNOTcool

    What can I say?


    1) I deny nothing.

    2) I admit nothing.

    3) Those who have ever had a need to know, always knew firsthand from me personally.

    4) Those who never had a real need to know...

       a) knew anyways because they were either

           i) psychic, or

           ii) attuningly ever-so female (same thing)

       b) didn't know, but probably didn't (and don't) care anyway.


    What constitutes 'a need to know'?  Ha!  You might better ask: Is life better served or enslaved in being bound to the exigent continuum?  Or:  If a beautiful question doesn't have a beautiful answer, is a better-than-a-bad-boy-answer an appropriate improvisation?


    But, regardless. Here's  now the exciting particpatory challenge to you:


    Who else amongst you are aware of these shenanigans of "Schwelgien"?  Let's together find out who this stalker-type he or she really is.  Not because it really matters to the fundamental unravelling of the core of the golden eternity.  Nor because it's key to anticpating the next increment of the yet incomplete table of the periodic elements.  But just because, apparently by sonotcool's FYI, it's a living Xanga mystery.


    A Xanga mystery!  Well, since "Schwelgien" has never had the genuineness to confront me in this matter personally and sincerely, I must rely upon you.


    So, here's what you can do to help solve this so important  Xanga mystery:


    1) Let me know if  this "Schwelgien" has ever subscribed or commented on your blog.  Or not.


    2) If she/he has subscribed or commented, and you have a Xanga tracker of some sort, provide, if you can, his/her IP address trace.  If she/he has visited but left no tracks on your tracker, let me know that, too.  Going 'trackless'  is an indication of sophistication that, in and of itself, would limit the suspect list.


    3) Include any comment that he/she might have left for you here.  Perhaps the wording the he or she may use will key me into her/his identity.  Or perhaps the 'revelations' shared with you may betray this busybody to me (and, of course, I'd, in turn, share the news with you)  since a singular detail could theoretically have been shared with only a special somebody.  And should I hear it again from you at large, then that would indicate that that special somebody's lips somehow got unsealed. 


    Should I learn nothing from any of you, I will not be disappointed.


    Should I stumble upon some discovery with the assistance of one or all of you, I'd more than likely find myself shocked with a grin.


    Always a beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.  Ya think?

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