Day: December 18, 2005

  • It deals with a series of adventures of a very low grade of morality; it is couched in the language of a rough dialect, and all through its pages there is a systemic use of bad grammar and an employment of rough, coarse, inelegant expressions. It is also very irreverent. . . . The whole book is of a class that is more profitable for the slums than it is for respectable people.
    -St. Louis Globe-Democrat review of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, March 17, 1885


    Have you ever shut down a Xanga site?  I hadn't but got interested in what is involved when that 'Schwelgien' site turned up "shut down by its owner..." (Actually, I have some reason to believe that it was shut down by one of the Xangagods and not its owner - but that's another matter).

    First thing I discovered is that it's final - there's no return.  And in order to assure that you know it, Xanga has you take a series of tests.  Yes, tests.  If you can't pass the tests, you can't shut down your site.  This is  hilarious...

    Before you shut down your site, please take our three-step training quiz!

    That's correct! Just two more steps before you can shut down your site...

    That's correct! Just one more step before you can shut down your site...

    Congratulations, you've successfully completed our three-step training quiz! For added security, please sign in - then, you'll be asked to confirm the shut down.

    To confirm that you want to shut down your site, click "Yes - Shut Down Site"  

    I found my cell phone in the snow.  In the photo below (last post) you can see a reflection of myself, a chapel, snow, and a street in addition to a back-lit projection of stained glass emanating from within the crypt I'm photgraphing.   The phone had fallen from my hip into the snow near the street as I hurried to take this photo before the lighting changed.  And so it lives to beep another day.

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