Day: December 14, 2005

  • Extreme Blogging


    Yesterday’s post was the first blog post ever (spanning 5 years now) that I composed without a PC.  I was in a bar, drinking beer, and writing by bar candlelight.  There wasn’t enough light to see what I wrote, merely enough to see the blank space remaining on the paper.  Now for many, this might not be so unusual.  But I never (well, almost never, except for yesterday’s foray) write longhand anymore other than to scribble on post-it notes at work. So for me, blogging so was highly unusual.  Yet given others’ predilections to do so readily, it can hardly be characterized as extreme.


    Is there such a thing as “extreme blogging” in the sense that as ‘extreme sports’ is to ‘sports’ :: ‘extreme blogging’ is to ‘blogging’ ?  And, if so, what might constitute it?


    I’ve blogged wirelessly from a cemetery on Halloween night.  Is that extreme?


    I’ve blogged wirelessly exchanging blog comments with toreibjo while driving down Interstate 90 as he watched my wireless webcam broadcast shots of the highway live to Norway.  Is that extreme?


    I don’t know.  I’m asking your help in possibly defining a new genre of blogging—extreme blogging.


    If there’s ever to be such a thing as extreme blogging, should the “extreme” refer to:  What else you’re doing while you blog (while flying a plane upside down, while at the altar getting married to two soon-to-be spouses, while holding up a bank that you work at )?  Where you blog from (the top of Mt Everest during a storm, the center of the Bermuda Triangle just above the vortex, just outside the perimeter of a secret terrorist training camp that’s about to get bombed )?  Or what you blog about (any and everything taboo, something that qualifies in the annals of “Believe It or Not”, your visions while imbibing ayahuasca—which would probably constitute both a ‘what else you're doing’ and a ‘what you blog about’)?  Any of these?  All of these?  Or is there some better criteria?


    Have you ever blogged in the extreme?  If so, what qualified it as such?  Or if you haven't but could, what form would it take?

    Is this a good idea to pursue?  And/or am I just nuts?

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