Day: April 26, 2001

  • styxx374 is fundamentally correct in her impression of my last post: she "didn't get it."

    I didn't get it either! And that's the problem. When I don't get it, I'm prone to reach into the dusty depths of forgotten memories or hazy visions. It's just a grab bag of vagrant recollections and meandering lost-outs. I didn't mean to drag anyone along with me! I was merely searching for a way out, a way to get it! But it would be presumptuous of me to expect direct assistance. So indirect assistance came in the form of : "I don't get it." And that's the end to that.

    And nash, too, makes an ardent incision by observing that true inspiration may arise at any time, from even the obscure. She gets it! And she's right, too! And she has just inspired me, so this:

    I embrace the contradiction: A and not A!
    So fuzzy do I seem to be
    Aristotle would have none of me
    If he were alive today.

    But I embrace the contradiction
    And seemed to have swallowed a star:
    Just waiting for my head to burst
    Then I'll put my brain in a jar.

  • I know I wasn't supposed to.
    I know I didn't have permission.
    But I decided to swallow the sun.
    Thus inflamed, the first thing I heard:

    "...I was with some new buddies.  I had just moved into the neighborhood and it was just after Christmas.  These new buddies, with one mentionable by the name of Frank, had just picked me up and we were cruising the neighborhood looking for Christmas trees discarded on the tree lawn.  And every house or so--you know, not everyone one, one here, one there. we'd stop and light the trees on fire,   So that at the end of the street, you'd look back and see all these tree lawns on fire.
       But as we were doing this, I said 'Hey, come on, look, guys.  Is this your idea of fun?  I mean, if you want to do some shit, let's do some shit."  And then I turned to Frank and I said: "Do you know what Sigmund Freud says about people who need to light fires?'  And that was it!  Next thing you know, we're all out of the truck and turning over strangers' Fords and Chevies!" 

    The next fundamental reverberation...

    "...the truth is not so tough...
    merely what we agree upon, me and you,
    ...and if you believe in me, then all that is, is true."

    The third aspect obtained...

    "When things are misunderstood, most people try to reword them.  Occasionally, the forward-looking know precisely when to re-world them."

    Re-worlding, re-wordling, tra-la-la-la-la...

    "I just met a girl who believes that the greatest compliment a guy ever paid her was telling her that she had 'inner thigh development that could crush a guy's head like a grape.' "

    The fourth pillar envisioned...

    "All future culture hinges on the development of the fully-functional digital wallet: a portable. pocketable , personal ATM instantaneously in touch with the entire known economic universe."

    ...And that was enough.

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