Day: January 8, 2008

  • I just imagined that it would be interesting to have an 'auto-post' that would automatically collate all of one's comments on others' posts for a particular day and make them available at day's end on one's own post for others to read.  This would let a fellow reader follow one's own reading/commenting trail through Xanga.  Thus merely commenting around would keep you 'posting-active' and serve as relief for the notorious 'to post or not to post' xangxiety.  Of course, this 'auto-post' would be an option since it would be brutally honest in revealing all of your blogging activity.  Just think of everyone who would want to know whom you're visiting and leaving comments for - and why you didn't visit and leave a comment for him or her.  ha. 

    Another venture into more blogging openness would allow one to make the "Footprints" of others on one's site viewable by all one's visitors.  Of course, Xanga could then provide you the ability to footprint those who view these "Footprints" and the option to make that list public, too.

    The ultimate measure of blogging openness would be a chip implanted in the blogger's brain that would record how many times a day that particular blogger thinks of Xanga and then automatically updates (wirelessly? bluetooth?) the count to a xanga-thought counter on his or her Xanga site.  This would be especially interesting in those cases of bloggers who don't seem to comment or post much - or who don't comment or post anything at all anymore.  You'd could come to my site and see that I haven't updated for over a year.  And then break out laughing when you observe that my xanga-thought counter hits triple digits every day.

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