December 27, 2004

  • Tsunami-destruction is horrible, isn't it?  They're now saying 20,000 dead as a result of the Sumatra tsunami Sunday, but surely that toll will climb with discovery in time.  Yet on the global scale, a tsunami like the Sumatra one is just the result of a pebble-like toss into the ocean bucket.  What would be the result of a boulder-like toss into the same ocean bucket?

    Mega Tsunami.

    There is no known earthquake force than can trigger a mega-tsunami, but nature provides two other inputs: asteroid impacts and massive landslides.

    Curiously enough..."On Christmas Eve, NASA issued its highest-ever threat warning when it gave asteroid 2004 MN4 a rating of four on the 10-point Torino Scale used to rate intergalactic threats. The highest previous rating was one. The rating for 2004 MN4 means there is a 1.6 per cent chance it and Earth will collide when they crosses paths on April 13, 2029."   - Herald Sun   If the asteroid struck an ocean (probable, if it occurs), what would be the result?  Mega tsunami.

    But were talking calculated chances with that asteroid. There are actually PHA's (Potentially Hazardous Asteroids) 'discovered' every year that aren't even discovered until they are upon or past the Earth's orbit since they approach in stealth from directly behind the Sun.  We currently have no way to calculate the probability of collision with any of those.  Yet we know they are there.  And they are still coming.

    But what if scientists told you there was a 100% certainty of a mega tsunami?  What if they told you there was a volcano called Cumbre Viejo on the island of La Palma that's perched to dump its half-trillion pound mass into the ocean, thus setting off an instance of the third source of a mega tsunami - a massive landslide into (or under) the ocean?

    There is a 100% certainty. 

    “This is a certain event,” said Professor McGuire. “It's a matter of how we cope with it, not whether or not it's going to happen… The U.S. government must be aware of the threat but I am sure they are not taking it seriously."
    Why America's Coast Could Be Toast

    The questions are: What will the damage be?

    “It sounds like the plot of a fanciful Hollywood disaster movie. A dangerous volcano in the Canary Islands erupts, sends a giant tsunami travelling faster than a jet aircraft into the major population centres of America's east coast, killing tens of millions and wiping out New York and Washington DC.”

    And: When?

    "No one knows. It will happen during an eruption of Cumbre Vieja. It is an active volcano, last erupting in 1949. However the next eruption may not destroy the island, the next 10 may not. Only on thing is certain - one-day an incredible force will surge through the Atlantic Ocean."
    Armageddon Online

    In other words, anytime.  Or sometime within the next 1000 years. 

    If you are a werewolf, prepare with certainty to witness this doom.  Ohterwise, hope that it's our descendants and not us that ride this Wild Wave.

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