Day: December 4, 2004

  • What happens when "it goes away"...

    From Willow :

    Madmartigan, swordsman extraordinaire, just after being hit with a faerie's pouch containing the magical Dust of Broken Hearts. He's attempting, at night, to rescue a baby princess from the devices of an evil witch.  The witch's sensuous daughter, Sorsha, is entrusted with guarding the kidnapped baby.  He's sneaking past the sleeping Sorsha when the Dust of Broken Hearts 'kicks-in'...

    MADMARTIGAN: Oh, Sorsha. Awake from this hateful sleep. It deprives me of your beauty. The beauty of your eyes.

    Sorsha's eyes open and a dagger flashes from beneath her bedsheet and appears at his crotch.

    SORSHA: One move, jackass, and you really will be a woman.

    Madmartigan reaches out with both hands.

    MADMARTIGAN: You are my moon, my sun, my starlit sky. Without you I dwell in darkness. I love you!

    SORSHA: What are you doing here?

    MADMARTIGAN: Your power has enchanted me and I stand helpless against it. Come to me, now, tonight. Let me worship you in my arms.

    SORSHA: Get away from me!

    The dagger slices his shirt right up to his throat.

    MADMARTIGAN: I love you!

    SORSHA: Stop saying that!

    MADMARTIGAN: How can I stop the beating of my heart? It pounds like never before.

    He grabs her free hand and clasps it against his naked chest. Her other hand presses the dagger against his throat.

    SORSHA: Out of fear.

    MADMARTIGAN: Out of love.

    SORSHA: I can stop it. I'll kill you.

    MADMARTIGAN: Death next to love is a trivial thing. Your touch is worth a hundred thousand deaths.

    And the next day, after the Dust ‘wears off’ and Mad has regained his previous senses.  He has taken Sorsha prisoner…

    Sorsha twists her body uncomfortably.

    SORSHA: You're holding me too tight.

    MADMARTIGAN: I don't want you to get away.

    SORSHA: Why? Because I'm your moon? Your sun? Your starlit sky?

    She angrily whips her head around and her thick hair hits him in the face.

    MADMARTIGAN: Get your hair out of my face or I'll chop it off.

    They ride along in silence.

    MADMARTIGAN: Did I really say those things?

    SORSHA: You said you loved me.

    MADMARTIGAN: I don't remember that.

    SORSHA: You lied to me.

    MADMARTIGAN: No I didn't, I... I wasn't myself last night.

    SORSHA: I suppose my power enchanted you and you were helpless against it...?

    MADMARTIGAN: Sort of...

    SORSHA: Then what?

    MADMARTIGAN: It went away.

    SORSHA: Went away??   "I dwell in darkness without you," and it went away??

    She elbows him hard in the gut and makes a run for it...

    Question:  Does it ever really  just "go away"?

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