Day: September 26, 2002

  • I rarely just stumble upon things on the internet.  Yet...searching for one off-colored  related item, I was led totally unexpected to this: The Definitive Penis Size Survey.  You mean...there's a limit??  LOL

    I spent much too much time canvassing this site--(certainly seeking the cross-link to the Definitive Vagina Size Survey???!)--but, no--I didn't fill out the survey (I didn't have a yard stick ).  By the way, in case your interested, I estimate my body-type as between a 7 and an 8.

    But now back to my original search...

    Holly took my left hand and curled the tips of my thumb and a finger to just meet and touch each other to make a ring.  "That's how big around your dick is, sexy"  she whispered.   Then, with her green eyes growing wider and her lips pouting wordlessly, she stretched my thumb and either my middle or ring finger apart, gestured at their expanse, and continued: "And this is how long your dick is." 

    She gigled, said "you're huge" and then teased me along: "So what you been doing with all that?"  

    I paused, reflecting upon recent non-events, and confessed:  "Nothing.  For the longest time.  And that fact, and the fact that an erotic creature like you has taken an interest in me, is probably why I'm so huge."  And though my libido was thus lusciously complimented , I pressed on to challenge her: "But how do you really know?" 

    "Really know what?", she responded while lightly stroking my wrist.

    "How will you ever really know--beyond your hand-crafted estimation--how big I am unless you experience it for yourself?  Is that want to go...?...", ...

    ...Well, you get my drift.  Anyway, my internet search was for which finger--the middle or ring--is the proper one for making such an estimation of length as did Holly.   I guess, maybe, I wasn't really paying enough attention to my very own fingers in her hand at the time. Anyway...

    *returns to Google search*

    *modifies search words of:

    "measuring penis size finger thumb"

    to "mastering tight moist vagina"

    but doesn't hit submit*

  • *why isn't he writing?*
    *how long will he going on playing with games?*

    Yesterday, I gave you a glimpse of my mind.  Today, should you make it to the third and final level, catch a view of my once (and future?) afterwork, not her!  What's she's holding.

    (note: once one level is completed, click for the next)

    Can't see it in xanga?  Go here.

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