Day: September 14, 2001

  • I've become aware tonight of several people who are pretending to be my friends who have now proven truly otherwise.

    I write this so only so that I may return here to remind myself, if necessary, of this realization.

    And the truth shall make you free.


  • No HATE Allowed

    Across America stories are arising here and there of threats and violence directed against innocent Arabs and Muslims wrongly blamed for the viciousness unleashed upon America this week.  Indeed, agrochick78 has related two such incidents in her blog today occurring close to her home.

    We, as a free and fair people, must insist that any instance of racial hatred now emerging and directed against Arabs and Muslims as a supposed response to the recent terrorism directed against the United States is itself equivalent to terrorism and needs to be addressed as directly and severely as the primary terrorist threat itself.

    And indeed, let’s be wary in automatically assuming that all is even as it appears.  It is not farfetched to expect that some acts of "racial hatred" against Arabs may be staged by Arab terrorists themselves in order to attempt through polarization to align Arab sympathies toward their own position.  Bomb threats, too, against Arab and Muslim establishments and organizations might be called in by terrorists themselves with no actual intent to bomb, but as an attempt to further destabilize and polarize America through the creation of a perception of an atmosphere of hatred.

    Thus anyone demonstrating anti-Arab or anti-Muslim vitriol and hate should either be considered 1) as a potential terrorist, or 2) as a bigot but serving the terrorist’s cause of division and polarization.  Hence, our response to such actions and displays must be clear, loud, and immediate: NO TOLERANCE and full, swift repercussions from the law protecting all of our civil rights.

    Remember: if you see or witness unlawful acts of hatred, no matter how seemingly “slight,” please notify the police and the FBI and be sure to report it as an apparent HATE crime.

    Be well, be strong, stay blessed.

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