Day: September 8, 2001

  • I have arrived at the Convent of Our Lady of Victory in Lemont, Ill. and have been afforded free accommodations for the evening.   The single room I’m inhabiting is, as one might imagine, quite austere since it was designed in the ‘60s for nuns sworn to vows of poverty and non-decorous utility.  It’s one of many rooms in an unoccupied wing of the convent reserved solely for guests.  And indeed, there are other guests about, both male and female.  The nuns have assigned everyone a separate room even though it appears some of the guests are married and have abandoned the separate assignments for their own conjugal improvisations.  Hrmm….for that matter, who the hell knows who’s married??!!  I wonder if the nuns have any idea what sort of love, licit or otherwise, may be flourishing behind closed doors tonight.     Me?  No, no…I’m just bloggin idly alone in my own little room!  Laptop?  Check.  Cellular modem?  Check.  Cell phone? Check.  Bottle of Jack Daniels?  Oh hell, I knew I forgot something!!

    What the hell am I doing here??  Am I one of the Blues Brothers here on a mission from God to see the Mother Superior, Sister Mary Stigmata? 

    Well, almost!   

    But, if you must know...I’m actually here to witness the Jubilee of a nun in my extended family tomorrow morning.  And then I’m gone.   Which is a shame.  Cause I would like to stay in this room (of course, meals are furnished) for many moons, apart from all external demands, and just write, write, write.  Might I not do that?  Would the nuns tolerate it?  I could tell them that I’m a professor on sabbatical and a serious student of mysticism.  …Not too far from the truth!   And that I’m religiously trying to further a never-ending quest to understand and elaborate upon things most esoteric in this world.  …Quite true, almost!   And that I’m a Xangeroo  and “Look-see Mother Superior--here are my blogs!”  …

    Like I said, tomorrow I’m gone!


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