Day: March 10, 2006

  • Wearing sunglasses today in the office at work.

    They are related to the three drugs I took yesterday before running around in Dreamland Cemetery. I’ve run for 5 of the last 6 days there (about 20 miles), yesterday conceiving of myself as ‘the Rundertaker’. It started to rain chillingly and I didn’t complete the 4 miles I had envisioned. I ran only 2 and then drank a beer instead. Oh, that made it 4 drugs. Decided to curtail my visit, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open on the ride home from the cemetery. Though not tired or fatigued, I actually had to keep the eyelids of my left eye manually-held open to see. Didn’t even bother with my right eye since it was swelling shut. Got home and went to bed early. Got up in the middle of the night, could open my eyes, but didn’t dare since I had, in the sleeping meantime, developed an ultra-sensitivity to light. Even looking at a dim nightlight felt like a stab in the head. That experience provided me an empathetic appreciation of what a vampire must feel like caught out in the rising of the Sun.

    I'm wearing sunglasses today in the office at work. Oh yeah, I already said that.  (Must be repetition for effect then.)

    There’s still some minor light hypersensitivity. Swelling is gone, but the right eye looks horny-red in the mirror. Lucky I don’t have a hot date tonight or I’d be sure to freak the girl out - she wondering why I’m only half-horny.

    Today I called the doc and described the side effects of the drugs he prescribed me. He was amazed and considered my experience rather strange. Just goes to support what I’ve always maintained: almost all drugs affect me rather differently than most people. I’d surely trip psychedelically on grass and just get the munchies on LSD; caffeine is my mind-numbing aphrodisiac; alcohol my mental stimulant, and love the ayahuasca I’m always thinking of.

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