Day: July 2, 2002

  • What life fails to discover, love will.

    In the summer, most seek refreshment and shelter from Inferno.

    Yet I sleek myself,  back onto the boulder, and  welcome every very probing incision from the surging Helios itself.

    Just one wish: Before the Inanimate seizes the day,
    I’d like the girls to come out and play.

    I just ran another 30 minutes in 90 degree heat.
    I ask: How can anything be more real?


    Crossing paths with a tender sprinting blonde who throats “hello” in passing,  I sublimate.


    I’m pounding the sidewalk, when a glowing black girl from a car yells in passing: “Hey, hey…”
     I look over to the street and picking it up, bellow back : “Hey, hey, hey, hey hey! “ all the while smiling and pointing at her vanishing cheshire cat visage.


    Shortly thereafter comes a petite brunette jogger seriously pumping with headphones on.  Remember the old adage: “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes?”  Now adapted: “Don’t acknowledge until you see the shadow off of their nipples.”   “Oooo hi!” , I finally acknowledge.  “Hi” she shoots back in a muffled voice, but with a glance that could get a  blind man hot.

    Digging. Burning.  Churning deep inside.

    I see it coming: There’s an obese dude walking just ahead with his back to me and his buddy in a convertible pulls up towards us along the curb with his horn blaring.   Too late: I’m already dancing on the curb between the two, threading the needle, so to speak, when the fat boy decides to turn into my path to reach for the car door handle. Imminent collision.   I need to warn him so I:  Clap.  Clap, clap, clap, clap.  He’s startled and insults me: “What the fuck, why don’t you run your lazy ass around me?”  Though panting, dehydrated, exhausted, and overheated, I turn back to him and challenge: “And why don’t you use these...?”  and I gesture happy-feet grotesquely by commencing high, thigh-slapping leg lifts while jogging demonstrably in place.  And then I pat my belly hard, making a hard sound, and declare: “And why don’t you lose that fat belly and get your ass agile?”  O hell. Now there’s the two of them in the car.  And as I continue running, I ponder whether they’ll turn around and return to challenge me.  Hell yes.  I’m ready.  Going to kick some ass. Going to melt into the sun.  Going to put face to the ground first one, then one. But the butt-ass buddies let up and just drive on.

    Final stretch and heading home. 

    An elderly lady is standing watering her lawn  and as I dash past, she disbelievingly remarks:  “How can you possibly  run in this insane heat?”  I laugh and call back: “How could you possibly  stand there watching me run in this ?!”

    Breathe deep.  Kick harder.  Home.

  • Only one of the following statements is true:

    1) I need sex.


    2) I’m insane and I need sex.


    3) I’m a butterfly.


    4) I’m a butterfly and I need sex.


    5) I’m an insane butterfly and I need sex.

  • Rarely do I blog a private post.  What's the purpose?  Both my public and private posts undoubtedly will be subpoened someday at my insanity commitment hearing (my defense will be a shrilling cry: "But I'm already committed!  I'm already committed!" ). 

    Still there occurs now and then an occasion or so when I'll write something so off the wall and palpably lacking in creative import or entertainment value that I'll just allow it to sit.  And rot.

    Such was the case at the end of Monday when I tersely scribbled and privately posted the following:

    The Sun's coming around.  Sure enough.  Just around the bend.

    What the hell was that supposed to be?  Quite profound, no?  LMAO   And felt profound, profound enough to commit, yet too abstruse to share.

    Until this morning, when I read this on NASA's SOHO site:

    Molten Curl
    A huge, curling solar prominence in extreme ultraviolet light (ionized helium at 304Å) was seen erupting from the Sun on 1 July 2002. Prominences are huge clouds of relatively cool, dense plasma suspended in the Sun's hot, tenuous corona. Magnetic fields built up enormous forces that propelled particles out beyond the Sun's surface. Emission in this spectral line shows the upper chromosphere at a temperature of about 60,000 degrees K. For a sense of scale, the prominence seems to extend at least 30 Earths. There is a second prominence in the upper right as well.

    But even more interesting than the bent protrusion at the lower left is the activity at the upper right.  I have my notions, but what do you think that looks like? Mwuahahaha.

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