Day: December 18, 2001

  • hahaha...should i not have fun? okay!  so having provided some famous quotes about love in the last blog, i'm here arrogantly quoting myself from some of your blogs, seeking fame within the framework of subtle transference...

    I think many of us have been subconsciously counting the days away from 9/11 rather than the days before Christmas.   That's why it has gotten here this fast and seemingly unnanounced!
    --at JasmineRose's

    On multiplicity:

    the hero has a thousand faces,
    and god has a thousand names.
    even cable channels proliferate endlessly,
    all different and yet the same.
    --at mysticalraine's

    and you're androgenous...for you're his image in the mirror.  and your eyes--so bare as you stare--bathe in mutual captivity, awash in love's imagery, seeking an ocean of passion sublime, beyond time, beyond stare.
    -- at lcsaph's

    naw, shit--unless it's toxic to begin with--is the stuff of good compost.  and compost is the future fertilizer of a good story.  so place the shit on the compost heap of experience and let it aromatically ferment.
    now you could give some consideration to throwing out the bathwater, but take care of the baby!
    -- at Prometheus' 

    I compose at least 60% of my blogs while showering.  I have seriously thought about getting a hermetic seal for my laptop so that I can blog in the shower without the need to commit my shower compositions to the intermediate of mental memory.
    --at zoodom's

     I once knew a female psychologist who changed her house alarm password to "oh shit" because the first time the alarm went off, and the alarm people threatened to send the police if she didn't know the password, she responded "oh shit!" and then realized if that's what she'd normally say in that situation, then it must be the perfect password!
    --at Hogs_N_Kisses'

    Yes, allow the imagination to fire your spirit and heart.  *Reality* is only fit for the dying and dead.  Allow yourself always to roam energetically-free throughout the many levels of endless undiscovered worlds instead.
    --at agrochick78's

    As it happened, I immediately fingered Osama as the mastermind and then proceeded to describe the numbers (15-20), the weapons, and the staging tactics of the terrorists aboard the four flights.  One of my colleagues at work was later self-confessedly amazed at how accurate I was in discerning such details simply given the spectacle of terror in the moment.
    Let's just speculate that I was tapping into a psychically-apparent potential.
    --reply to seanmeister at notforprophet's

    Perhaps this is not as truly strange as you think.  Carlos Castaneda revealed through his Yaqui sorcerer series with don Juan the belief of the ancient sorcerers that the universe is almost entirely *female* in its composition and that only here on earth is there an excess of *maleness* compared to the general cosmic composition.  Hence the universe as a whole is in ravenous pursuit of *malehood*!  Hey, we got it made!!  Or...we are entirely doomed.
    --at Deadeye's

  • ...a relevance of words

    "Everything is good, everything is perfect, everything is Brahmin... learn to love the world... to leave it as it is, to love it and be glad to belong to it."   --Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

    "It seems to me, Govinda, that love is the most important thing in the world." --Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

    "The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was... Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." -- Rumi (1207-1273)

    "And think not, you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course." --Kahlil Gibran

    "Love is the fire of life. It either consumes or purifies."  Anonymous

    "Not how one soul comes close to another but how it moves away shows me their kinship and how much they belong together."  --Nietzsche, Aphorism 251

    ...and i don't even like nietzche.

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