Does anyone deny that Xanga (whoever the fuck that is now - John Hiler, the original CEO type) has certainly legally changed his name and every other xangagod has already been assassinated) has ripped us off and continues to lie to us?
I didn' think so.
Yeah, I missed a 't" there.
I think that Xanga was sold dirt cheap to Al Qaeda dirt cheap (yes, that's repetitive) as an esoteric control communications back-channel.
I have evidence!
Where the fuck is the NSA when you don't need them?!
Calling NSA, yes NSA (keyword, mutherfuukr): Xanga is positioned to remain a post-terrorist, post tri-unislamic conspiracy.
I have proof.
100 proof is 50% alcohol.
Hook up with me.
I am, of course, good for the first round.
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