Month: November 2013

  • oh DAMN - can't give Xanga any money any more

    oH DAMN. I wanted to sign up for another exciting Xanga site but to my frightful dismay, when I went to the "Join In" page - - , the "Join In" button was disabled. That might explain why the number of backers has stayed constant at 1,175 for weeks. We are now a closed, gated community. Cozy, isn't it?

    On the Xanga Help front, "Eugenia" is the only one left helping; John seems to have disappeared about a month ago. But "Eugenia" has helped about 10 customers (or former customers) in the last week! That's pretty awesome for a site that is doomed. I wonder if John said, "Eugenia, here's the couple of thousand bucks left after Xanga bought me my Copper Parachute. Keep 'the promise' going by for the next year (until the subscriptions expire) by throwing out a Help comment every day or so. Unto the nearly-comatose subscribers that remain, be Xanga's distant ambulance siren in the night."


    I just posted this at the end of the Xanga article on Wikipedia -

    As of November 2013, new users can no longer join Xanga via Xanga's only current user solicitation at Crowdhoster. The "Join In" buttons are now no longer functional and the number of "backers" has been constant at 1,175 for several weeks. Xanga is clearly doomed. Only its date of proximate closure is still unannounced.

    I'm awesome, too!

    Let's see if Xanga is paying attention.

  • Let's admit it. Xanga lied to us...

    Phase 2. Site tuning

    Once we go live tonight, we anticipate that it’s going to take some time for the dust to settle. It’s always a bit tricky to tune your servers to match the amount of load that’s being put on it. So during this phase, we will allocate servers and storage to best match the load that’s being put on it.

    We’ll also work with anyone whose data didn’t make it over to get them onto the new system as quickly as possible! We’ll be streamlining this process over the next week…

    Let's see.

    The dust has not only already settled, it has turned into sedimentary rock beneath our feet.

    Load? There is no load! Xanga is one of the fastest sites on the internet because there is virtually no load.

    Well, there's one load: the load of bullshit that Xanga fed us with this startup.

    Working with anyone? Xanga has "worked" with only about 60 former bloggers over the last two weeks informing them, that "sorry", they must pay to blog. Their response? No response.

    This Xanga feels like a cemetery with minimal staff eugenia acting as a caretaker to make sure our graves are not disturbed.

  • Staying in touch

    “Don’t be the rider who gallops all night and never sees the horse that is beneath him.”

    -Jelaluddin Rumi

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