Day: May 8, 2003

  • Leisure sickness, like paradise syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, seasonal affective disorder and sick building syndrome, is one of those modern conditions that sounds bogus, the pointless invention of some under-employed researcher, unless you happen to suffer from it, that is.

    How do you know if you have been struck down with leisure sickness? Well, think back to the past few times you were ill. Did you have to take time off work? Or, after a prolonged period of good health, were you struck down by some mystery bug just as you were setting off on a long-awaited two-week vacation to some far-flung corner of the world? If it is the latter, chances are you, too, have leisure sickness.
    —Sally Weale, "Do you often feel ill on holiday: but never when you're at work? If so, you could be a victim of 'leisure sickness',"

       --The Guardian, November 26, 2002

    How do you know if you have been struck down with blog sickness? Well, think back to the past few times you were ill. Did you have to take time off from reality? Or, after a prolonged period of good mental health, were you struck down by some mystery bug just as you were setting off on a long-awaited fantasy to some far-blogged corner of the cyberworld? If it is the latter, chances are you, too, have blog sickness.

  • I could abscound at length into unchartered extents of prolific obscurity to relate quite equivocally and just, with the slightest curiousness, circumspectly, about fuzzily almost how I find myself iconoclastically-cast here-now into this existential miasma termed near space terra 3rd planet firma out.  But why bother?

    Three words will suffice:


    Still, I'm slightly less overworked than I used to be when I had twice the energy.

    And, thankfully, not underpaid any less (though I am overtaxed.)

    And though unlaid, it's not like I've never ...

    ...Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

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