Day: March 26, 2003

  • While the news media appears hostile to blogging conducted by its 'embedded' personnel in the field of combat in Iraq (probably because it rightly senses the outside possibility of blogs usurping and undermining its traditional outlets), the US Army is aware of numerous soldier-bloggers, enables them with its technological resources, and apparently conducts no censoring. 

    Moreover..."The Army is considering incorporating blogging into its secure network where troops communicate with each other and their families. If such a system were put into place, the general public would no longer have access to such blogs."

      --Yahoo News

    Perhaps, besides the Battle for Baghdad, blogging is reaching a critical moment due to the evolution of communication on the battlefield in this, the first full-fledged cyber-assisted war.

  • A Stash of Reflections

    (different colors, different comments)

    I've long been one of those the gods have forgotten.  At first, it seemed horrific to be left out of all the godly equations.  But as time goes on, I believe that those who played with the gods have begun to look at me with envy of my unenhanced humanity.  For 'they' as players have become worn and thus have been discarded like old, broken toys by the gods.  Yet I, like a plaything that has sat unnoticed in a corner for all these years, retain a freshness simply because no one ever 'got me'.

    In  spring, do the crocuses croak?  Or cuss?  Neither.  They merely crisscross the land with irrepressible beauty.


    The real warrior takes responsibility for his/her whole world.  Why get suckered into sipping off a proffered silver spoon when you can take the sword of self-responsibility into your own hands?!


    Like the dark counterparts of 'sunshine patriots', most of these anti-war protesters are 'dark-cloud dissidents'.  When this war is won and the sun shines again, they will be in little evidence unless you look under their rocks.


    Why this war?  It takes two to tango.  And Saddam had been pressing impatiently 12 years for a partner.


    Upon a suggestion that George W. and Saddam settle this war face to face in personal showdown, winner-take-all: I'm all for this!  Seeing that it's likely that Saddam now has shrapnel embedded in his abdomen and IV's sticking out of his arms, I think our dear President will have a distinct advantage.


    'Here'--where is 'here' really? 

    Reminds me of a time when I was recovering in a hospital ICU and, awakening groggy from anesthesia, I begged the two nurses making smalltalk between themselves nearby to let me go back to my room.  They coyly replied: "Sure, if you can tell us where you are right now."  I was drugged and perplexed.  I wasn't sure....  I looked around and then volunteered: "Well, I'm, I'"  Ha ha--I felt that I had won my freedom with that sharp, crisp pronouncement.  But to my dismay, they continued the interrogation: "And where is 'here' exactly ?"   I couldn't help myself.  I had to tell the truth, the whole truth--the damn sodium pentathol was still a residue in my veins. "Planet Earth," I blurted, in a cathartic rush of honesty.  "That's what we thought," they said as a hush. And resumed chattering between themselves--and ignoring me--for the next half hour.

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