January 28, 2003

  • Since last Thursday when I blogged:

    The true warrior must take responsibility for his or her entire world.  The whole world.

    ...I have gone onto post a torrent of graphical incitements to include: Relax and Doodle, the Internet Landfill, the Electronic Dildo, and xanga without borders: RIOT.  Now, if that ain’t taking responsibility for the world, then I have no clue.  Actually, the World (which is also my world—strange how that works out) has seemed pretty stressed lately with all of its war-jargoning seriousness.  So presenting those graphical interludes was just my way of decommissioning myself (and my world) through curious diversions into a state of more wondrous OM.


    Now ponder this:



    money? women? nudity?

    (better seen here)


    A controversial note, this Silver Certificate was part of an ‘educational series’, with this particular one entitled ‘Electricity as the Dominant Force in the World’.  It was deemed 'inappropriate' for the era's young, impressionable American children due to its 'shocking' portrayal of a bare-breasted (tit-action), thong-less woman/angel symbolizing light-shedding Liberty. The note was quickly removed from circulation.


    Daamn!  Didn’t they understand that ‘Electricity’ so glorified was an inspirational metaphor for the dazzling light of the feminine mystique?  Didn’t they understand that ‘taking responsibility for the whole world’ also means electrifying it with uplifting beauty and passion?


    I say that now is the time to reissue just such currency.  And make current again the power of the Goddess in our worldly deliberations.  Or is Oil now ‘the Dominant Force in the World’ ?


    I hate oil.  It’s too old: it’s a fossil and grimily wreaks of the past.  Give me a clean, fresh breeze for power and vigor, instead.  Give me, rather, the radiant beams of sunlight that terrify the dying null of night and gleam the glow of cascading life. 


    “Aha”, you shout, “but sunlight, by your own blog, might be drunken over a million years expanse.  So if you hate ‘old’, hate it.”  


    It’s true, sunlight may be drunken and old from our perspective, but since it travels at the speed of light (duh!) , the Lorenz transformation, from its own perspective, has diminished its drunken preamble to a dainty dash and the time required to traverse its dash to a near-timeless smidgen.   No, no, no, I hate oil!


    And I hate even more the prospect of war in the lands of oil.  Yet war now seems almost inevitable because:


    1) Saddam is guilty: the burden’s on him to prove himself clean and in compliance—which he’s chosen not to do.
    2) The UN (not just US) maintains that he’s deceptively unforthcoming and not disclosing, and hence, in mortal violation of formal commands.


    Conclusion: the bastard’s hiding his instruments of mass death.


    War could be avoided if:


    1) Saddam comes clean and says: “Oh, man,—you mean all THESE  prototypical artifacts of infidel mass destruction?!”
    2) There’s a successful insurgency arising from within to topple Saddam.
    3) Saddam experiences an act of “extreme prejudice’ (assassination).
    4) Saddam dies in an actual accident or from natural causes and the resulting instability allows for full disclosure.


    Just before ‘old style’ war is declared/engaged, if the American Administration is interested in my full support, I’ll require:


    1) A convincing presentation of some of the evidence that the Administration says it has ‘proving’ that Saddam still has the lethal weapons that he’s used in the past but now disclaims ownership of.
    2) A general explanation of why insurgency and guerrilla warfare efforts encouraged and supported by our Special Forces were and would remain ineffective alone in toppling Saddam.  How much time, money, and effort were spent?  In other words, did we really make a genuine effort to avoid a conventional war by pursuing this alternative?
    3) An account of intelligence attempts to assassinate Saddam and why they have failed.  How many attempts were made?  How many of Saddam’s doppelgangers (doubles) were killed instead?  How many of ‘our’ assassins were compromised or lost their lives in these attempts?  In other words, did we really make a genuine effort to avoid a conventional war by pursuing this alternative?


    I hate fucking oil.  And fossil fool, thy name is Saddam.

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