Day: April 2, 2002

  • Although thoughts of a gaze-activated hypersonic web browser remain on my backburner, I’ve redirected my creative juices to envisioning the innovation of a wearable plasmic display e-textile that can be programmed to exhibit millions of colors, shades, and patterns and thus provide the fashion world with a pliable, changeable, dynamic art fabric! 

    Sound far-fetched?  Well, if it were closely-fetchable you could command your cur to do it, couldn’t you?  But I’ll fetch where curs dread to tread! Ha!

    Actually, half this labor of love is already underway.  The same agency that was fundamental in triggering the birthing force of the internet, DARPA,  is now throwing venture capital at e-textiles:

    At the center of the activity, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has released a request for proposals that aims to bring together people and technologies in the textile and electronics industries to forge the tools, processes and fundamental technology needed to build a new class of wearable systems made of fabric. Darpa said it will devote "tens of millions of dollars" to the so-called e-textiles program over the next five years, with the first projects slated to be announced early next year.

    And there are even startups out there already focusing on fashion:

    For its part, International Fashion Machines "lives somewhere in between the fashion designers and the technologists," Orth said. Its first project involves creating interactive logos with animations, in partnership with startup E-Ink. "We want to create stuff for the fashion industry. These people don't know what a battery is, so everything has to be integrated," said Orth.

    So what’s my angle?  I have two:

    1) A wearable plasmic display capable of projecting anything from ingeniously artistic and changeable creations to your latest favorite digitized video.  And, of course, it should be capable of shading from obnoxiously opaque to temptingly translucent.  But beware of overlording government: it may decree a master remote radio switch that renders all clothing clarifyingly transparent for purported “security concerns” of body-checking when entering sensitive areas.  On the other hand,  girls in a dance bar so attired could have their good looks glow right through with crystalizing plasmatic clarity as long as an e-textile jukebox with their numbers on it gets fed a continuous stream of comparable monetary worth.

    2) e-e-panties!  One e for electronic (i.e., computerized fabric) and the other e for edible.  Hence, edible, smart fabric!   This smart fabric will serve as the nutrient source to replenish exhaustible aspects of integrated cyborg components that shall augment our health immeasurably by wedding the birthright of our organics with the best of cyber-enhancements.  Both tasty and intelligent, e-e-panty-bites, as consumed, will find their own way to the target component (e.g., synthetic carborundum kneecaps, or a 360-degree revolvable neck atlas, etc.) and serve as a high-tech *oil change*, so to speak.  The relish of making this cyborg nutrient delivery system *edible panties* is just a matter of my own creative marketing flair in providing panty-eating a genuine purpose transcending the typically base one of merely gratifying carnal desire.

    Don’t get the wrong idea: this blog is all about e-TEXtiles and not SEX or SEXtiles—oh your dirty little minds!

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