April 2, 2008

  • All that is has been forever...

    There really are no 'new' usernames or accounts on Xanga.  All of the names/accounts, from the very moment of Xanga's creation, were anticipated, pre-cloned, and just awaiting a request for use.  Don't believe me?  Well, here's test.  If you believe your account was created after the year 2002, then go here.  You'll discover not only that it existed even back then but that it was being celebrated in a most amazing way.  And for those xangarelics with older accounts, go there anyway: I bet you missed the celebration the first time around.

    Either a Chinese translation of the above or a bunch of question marks (?????? - for non-compliant browsers) follows:

    真的有没有'新'用户名或账户上的Xanga 。所有的名称/账户,由那一刻的Xanga的创作,在预料之中,预克隆,只是等待请求使用。不相信我?那么,这里的考试成绩。如果您认为您的帐户被创建后,在2002年,当时的"请到这里" 。你会发现,它不仅存在,甚至回到当时的,但它正在庆祝一个最了不起的方式。对于那些xangarelics与旧账户, "去那里"反正:我打赌你错过了庆祝第一时间靠近。

Comments (1111)

  • You are all-knowing.

  • Wow, and that was the blog I just wrote today on there.  It's true!  The Matrix has us!

  • takes me to my private home, now, which just seems to kill the effect a bit.

  • You did it again

  • i agree with the ninja.

  • Hi you..* Ok..my FF keeps saying no plug in found'..yikes..:( so I see the post..and I see that you had a contest..I see the 'page' but when I click on it..it's black and I get that message..? But I think I remember you having that ..maybe..* You are something else..you know that right..* I don't know about my Xanga name being anywhere before I made it..but maybe it's lost in the old files of Xanga somewhere...when someone before me used it:) ha..getting a big kick out of the ????s...I know , I could use the translator..:) Most likely I am not getting this post at all, am I...but..Always amusing..or thought provoking ...like coming no matter what it is...take care..* hugs, Lee

  • That is 'no plug IS found..sorry..my brain *

  • I could not see the picture.


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    to foster homosexual tendencies. But I am a warm blooded woman that happens to love anal sex.

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    It’s a sexual act only shown on the adult websites and never in coming of age or romantic movies.
    It’s been made to sound painful and dangerous by scores of women that had a terrible experience with it.

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    A deep rooted desire to be degraded? Life is about dealing with things that you
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